OK, here we go, and this isn't all I've been upto. (Please note this is the first time I've tried the following method to host pictures so what could possibly go wrong?)
So first image is the frame plates, taking pride of place on the dining table.
https://flic.kr/p/2mD7aR8Next image is something I've posted on here before... machined from 1 solid piece. A lot of work and I got it wrong.... on the CAD, before I cut any metal.
https://flic.kr/p/2mD7cNeSo this I have remade, but rather than machining from scratch its been tweaked, laser cut and silver soldered using slots and tabs to hold it together... my silver soldering still needs some practice.
https://flic.kr/p/2mD1KatThe next thing I've done is remade the front brake cylinder support stretcher, again I wasn't happy with this, the original one I made was a mash up of the works drawings and les warnetts drawings.. what I've done now is made it to the works drawings but tweaked that to use the les warnett brake cylinder. This has now also become a slot and tab Fabrication.
https://flic.kr/p/2mD9oq3https://flic.kr/p/2mD1KfyThe final bit to see in this update is I've had for a while in kit form the firebox support stretcher, this has (by Ed Parrott) had a few strategically placed tacs with a tig welder to hold it as a unit and this will get silver soldered next time I have access to a friends heating equipment.
https://flic.kr/p/2mD1Kayhttps://flic.kr/p/2mD1KaoI've also been progressing the Horn Blocks. I'll post some pictures of them soon.