New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Sun Mar 08, 2015 4:22 pm

It's been a very long time since I last updated on this build but finally I have been playing quite a bit today first time I have had a full day of building for over a year got some very good progress and made one little mistake, I tapped a couple of 6BA holes with 5BA tap so I need to silver solder the holes up and re tap I haven't tried this method before but it should workout.
I am determined to get it running on air soon.
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:08 pm

Thanks for the Update, Dougs. Really starting to look 'the business' now.

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Sun Mar 08, 2015 6:09 pm

34053 wrote:Thanks for the Update, Dougs. Really starting to look 'the business' now.


Thanks but you know this is only the warm up for the main event ;) that's kinda why I am rushing to get it done so I can move on to the BoB class :)
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Mon Apr 27, 2015 7:12 pm

There has been a bit of progress on Speedy I decided to sort out the rear end while I am waiting for some parts to build some measuring equipment (more on this later)
The rear end has a small buffer beam which is not what is actually fitted to the real thing
The remainder is made up from an adapter plate which does not look vey good
The rear end should look like this
First off I got a large plate on the cnc Miller and cut the outside and then spotted the hole centres
Then got riveting 43 of them not much fun to be had doing those that's for sure
That's much better! I have just finished the paintwork so I will pop a photo up when it's back together
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Fri May 01, 2015 4:56 pm

Thank you for the 'Progress Report', Dougs.

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Sun Jun 07, 2015 8:36 pm

Some more progress this morning ( my wife left me alone for a couple of hours an amateur mistake) so I decided to get on with the valve rod guides or " valve end caps "
First off some 28mm gunmetal as they are basically bearings.
I love this saw it makes very short work of jobs like these
Spun it up on the lathe and reamed it 3/16" it has a good 11mm of bearing surface
I made these a very good fit 0.01mm so it's a tight fit
Trial fit
And pushed home
The other cylinder
The front ones are just blanks I will add faux guides later as these are a visual detail on the 1500 class
It all seems to seal quite well with the valve bobbin Central the piston sucks back to a central position when moved
It's all getting close to a test run looking forward to trying it out :)
That's all from me for now
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:59 am

Many thanks, Dougs. Can't wait to see/hear about the 'test run'. :)

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:19 pm

It's been a while and I have had quite a bit of progress
Quite a bit of tidying to do but I have the first crank done
some progress again now I have fixed my milling machine which has been giving me some real issues lately
got the first return crank properly fitted with mini bolts and a taper pin all dialled in.
And the first test run at last

Properly happy with the result and this is just one side running looking forward to having two cylinders :D
With a bit of measuring and generally considered thought I have come up with a drawing for my Eccentric Rods it puts the important bits where they should be and still retains a roughly similar appearance to the original.
Finally got round to finish the eccentric rod this now completes this side of the motion now I need to do it all again :)
the mill finishing the rod

And the rod fitted to the loco I am really happy with the result as I had to redesign it completely to fit the return crank I made all the clearances are fine.
Just after the photo I finished my last bolt too in the radius rod
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:32 am

Thank you for the Progress Report, Dougs. You must have felt very relieved after that 'Test Run'. :ymapplause:

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Spitfire » Mon Sep 28, 2015 3:53 pm

That test run is something else :ymapplause: :ymapplause:

That must have been a lovely moment - it even sounds right :D :p
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:36 pm

I must admit I was very happy with the result it's quite a test to run on just one side it really proves it out that everything is setup correctly not too much more to do to get both cylinders up and running this is one seriously powerful locomotive.
I have been working on my design of Sir Kieth Park too which is coming along nicely I am doing a full 3D cad drawing first as this design method means that when I build it it will work and I won't have any errors or issues to deal with I will post some pics soon of the cad model so far
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:15 am

Dougs wrote:I have been working on my design of Sir Keith Park too which is coming along nicely I am doing a full 3D cad drawing first as this design method means that when I build it it will work and I won't have any errors or issues to deal with I will post some pics soon of the cad model so far

Looking forward to seeing that, Dougs. :D

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Tue May 31, 2016 8:33 am

It has been a long time since i posted about my loco build, this is partly because i havent been able to get as much done as i would like however i have made some significant progress, the "bottom end" is now complete has been timed and runs very well in forward and reverse on both cyclinders.
i have machined the front door and door ring and made the smokebox,
and at last i have started to build the boiler,
the front tube plate and former block
to bend the copper it has to be heated several times to soften it so it can be worked without cracking
first go;
secound go
third go
fourth go
5th go and a trim up on the lathe
this will be the front of the boiler and i will have to drill 29 holes in it for the tubes and connections.
i have another four of these plates to make of various shapes and sizes and then 3 "wrappers" that cover it all up. but good progress is being made.
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Tue May 31, 2016 10:46 am

Thank you for the Update, Dougs. You certainly have to have a lot of patience to get things 'just right', especially with that tubeplate. I'm very impressed. Look forward to seeing the finished article.

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:08 am

still boiler bashing :D
making some good progress albeit lots and lots of work
Been working on the boiler smokebox interface. My modification to the original makes the diameter of the boiler 8mm less so I can lag it and the outer cover will remain the same so I needed an interface ring on the smokebox to the tube plate, all of which has to fit with no gaps.
to make the ring up I rolled some brass and some copper sheet then silver soldered together and then trimmed down to size with the lathe.
It all fits nice and snug :)
this time it was the outer wrapper which I decided to anneal outside as its a huge bit of copper and way too hot in the workshop to add more heat.
Got it all together and fixed with temporary bolts (to be replaced with 1/8 copper rivets)
It took ages to get lined up properly and square I am going to have a full build up before I solder it together just to make sure it all fits as I want it. but its starting to look like a boiler.
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Mon Jul 25, 2016 3:33 pm

The Boiler's looking great, Dougs! Fantastic job, I must say. :)

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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby Dougs » Fri Dec 02, 2022 8:42 pm

Has been quite some time but I am still hacking away at the build. A couple of other projects jumped the que in the form of a couple of classic motorbikes needing a full rebuild
Now back at the loco
It has been mostly details and small parts being made. The main part of the build has been completed (the frame and cylinders. So I am mostly working on the boiler which is quite tricky and difficult as it’s not something I have done before. This also has to pass build and testing inspection so not an easy job.
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Re: New build 5" Gauge 15xx class loco "Speedy"

Postby 34053 » Sun Dec 04, 2022 2:42 pm

Many thanks for the Update, Dougs. The Loco is coming together nicely and looking good. :)

On the subject of 'Classic Motorbikes' (although not in the same League as the ones you show) it reminds me of the 650cc 'Triumph Thunderbird' I bought from new in 1965. Had to sell it in 1969 though, as the future 'Mama Wedgy' wanted the comfort of a Car! The Motorbike is still going though :ymapplause: . I did a Road Tax /MOT search recently, on the DVLA website ('Get Vehicle Information') using the Reg No, and was so pleased to see that it has been taxed well into 2023 :). No MOT required' of course as, due to its' age, it is classed as a 'Classic' Motorbike.

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